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Sample email to your candidates:


Dear X,


I am supporting the ‘DO NO HARM’ campaign (Do No Harm-Protect Patient's Rights | FRC ( to Protect Patients’ Rights inside the NHS.


Please confirm  you will urgently support this vital campaign especially after scandal after scandal in the UK.


We have all seen the horrors and tragedies of the infected blood campaign which was denied for decades. We have seen the distraught  parents in Shrewsbury and Telford maternity units and the results of the Traumatic Births Inquiry.


ITV, which changed the law after its moving drama on the Sub-Postmasters has now exposed the pain and agony of victims in Nottingham at the University Hospitals Trust (‘Maternity: Broken Trust’ screened on 9/6/24 and now on ITVX). All of these cases were exposed by the media and victims; hand in hand with specialist lawyers.  


At this moment the Ministry Of Justice has a Civil Procedures Committee sitting which plans to cut support for victims in cases below the value of £25,000 (this includes fatalities and serious injuries)  which will make it difficult for them to get expert legal advice and also make it difficult for them to  self-represent in court.


It is potentially a denial of justice and will make the victims and their families repeated victims.


It is a measure dreamt up by Jeremy Hunt when he was secretary of State for Health and it is going through without proper parliamentary scrutiny. (It is a Civil Justices Procedure ordered by the Ministry of Justice and could go through as a Statutory Instrument).


Please confirm you will support to avoid further harm coming to your constituents and please alter your colleagues in the government.


Please let me know you will support. The DO NO HARM campaign has key supporters and we would like you to be one of them.  



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